View from Tempest IV
(actual screen capture)
Have you ever wished your desktop background could be animated? - Now it
can. This is a gallery of all the wallpapers on my site that are compatible with a small
program that allows a Ripple animation on the bottom of your Windows desktop. The
program is called GT Ripple, by Gareth Hatfield.
>Download GTRipple v1.3 (511 Kb) at it's
-Visual Paradox assumes no responsibility for GTRipple and any problems the
software, or it's misuse, may cause. I just make
the wallpapers.
If you have any questions, check the FAQ at the bottom of the download page.
On the program's settings, move the perspective up a little more, turn off the
"horizontal ripple," and turn on "Mirror" unless the note under the
title suggests otherwise. It is just suggestions though, I recommend you
adjust the settings to your own taste.
In fact, you don't have to limit your choice to what I thought worked, choose any of the
images from the wallpaper galleries, and animate it!
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