Choose an image at the bottom of the page, right click on your choice (hold the
mouse button down for Mac browsers). A dialog box will ask "Save
this image as...." and you may download it to your hard disk.
Hyperlink the image using this HTML:
<A HREF="">
BORDER=0 ALT="Visual Paradox - Free 3D
Replace the IMG SRC text (red) with the path and file name of
where on your server you uploaded your copy of the image.
Please, don't link to the graphics on my server, it will slow
down the loading of your pages and mine. (plus I might move
or replace less effective banners)
Here's a couple text links you can cut & paste. Feel free
to edit them to suit your site.
<a href="">3D Visual
Paradox - Free 3D Wallpaper:</a> Weekly updated free
hi-res, high quality 3D computer desktop wallpapers,
startup/shutdown screens and free web graphics. Animate your
desktop wallpaper!
<a href="">3D Visual
Paradox</a> - Free 3D Wallpaper, hi-res and high
quality, updated weekly.