Images and content of this web site are
Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,2015 & 2016 by Brian S. Kissinger.
You are viewing an old copy of the site, please switch to the current version for current copyright information.
If you are interested in licensing an image for use commercially, contact me via E-mail with the details, and I'll work up a
quote. Higher dpi (300) may be available for some images.
No graphics may be directly linked to from anywhere outside of this server.
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I, Brian Kissinger, accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for
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net at your own risk.
I cannot accept responsibility for any mistakes or omissions.
Feedback comments may be used for publication at my discretion. I reserve
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The presence of a particular advertisement does not necessarily mean that I endorse or
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Please report any known violations of my copyrights here.

The wallpapers on this site are free for your personal use at home or work. All
I ask in return is that you give some attention to my sponsors banners. Thank you!
For information on copyrighting your own work,
here is the copyright registration website.
In general, copyright
registration is a legal formality intended to make a public record of the
basic facts of a particular copyright. However, registration is not a
condition of copyright protection.
(this quote is from the US government website.)
Most countries are members of the Berne
Convention and the Universal Copyright
Convention (UCC) and agree to enforce each country's