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If you back out far enough to see some of the shape the atoms are forming, you are too far away to see them. So I made them reflect a common tree. And like looking at shapes in the clouds, it's easy to see things in the tree as well.

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Facebook cover 


Fractal Flame image. This is how I imagine an Atom would photograph, if we could get a live action shot. We never can though, as light can't bounce off all those parts fast enough to be captured like this.

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1366x768   (16:9 
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  Atomic Dance Party

This is a fractal image. The spectral lens flare isn't added, it is actully part of the fractal. I am adding a category for fractals, and will be adding several more soon. See the search page to select the gallery.

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1366x768   (16:9 
1920x1080 (16:9 
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1920x1200 (16:10
3200x1200 (dual 
3840x1200 (dual 
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