Facebook covers

Link Exchange Application

Include "http://" or "https://" in all URLs except the root.
Root URL: (youraddress.com)
Link URL: (Link clickers will be sent to.)
Reciprical URL: (url of return link to this site)
Button graphic URL: (optional 88x31 graphic)
Short description:


Log in info, needed to edit your link.  Log in Here.

Enter the characters you see in the image:
Code Image - Please contact webmaster if you have problems seeing this image code
Generate new image

Your site should link to:
Title: 3d Visual Paradox
More link info here.

The "Sites to see" box on the search results, gallery, top ten, and other pages shows 25 linked websites that last sent visitors. When your site sends a visitor, it is moved to the top of the list. The more often you send visitors, the more you will stay at the top.

Currently the main page for "Sites to see" is sorted by the the monthly visitor count.
Your site will no longer show in the list if it goes a month without sending a visitor, but will show up again when one is sent. (Go too long, you may be purged.)

If you test your link and don't see the count increase, it may have already counted you previously, it doesn't count duplicates. Or the referring address you are sending from doesn't match your root URL above. You should be able to send from any page or subdomain, as long as the root matches.

All edits made to your link reset it's status to "Applicant" which I will make final approval of. I will ban websites for exploits and false information.

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All images & content are Copyright © 1999-2024 by Brian S. Kissinger
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