Facebook covers

 Home Page Settings & Instructions:

Back to Home Page

Image Size:

Choose a size from the wallpaper choices that looks clear on your browser window, when it is at the size you most open & use.
If later, you change your mind on the size you need, you can always return to this page through the Question mark above the search button. Here you can access the link to the original wallpaper page where you can choose another size.

Load time:

Graphics on this homepage are set to cache for a month, so it doesn't have to re-download graphics. That means after the first time, the image should load much faster. (and again a month later, if you still have the same image.)

Change the link buttons at the top:

You can change the links using these checkboxes, deselect the links you wish to leave out or add, and hit the Submit Changes button. It will take you back to the wallpaper page, where you can set the home page with the new arrangement. Careful, choose too many and they won't all be visible.

Google Gmail    Yahoo Mail    Weather Underground    Facebook    Google Plus    My Space    Twitter    You Tube    Newsola   

 Set Home page Instructions:

Setting the Home Page in Google Chrome
  1. Copy this address:
    (select it & hit copy in the tools menu)
  2. On top browser bar, click in the Customize icon and select Settings in the menu.
  3. Under On Startup, select Open a specific page, and click Set pages on that line & paste the address in the textbox.
  4. Click Ok to Apply.
Setting the Home Page in Internet Explorer
  1. Click this icon:
  2. Select an option and click on Yes to Apply
Setting the Homepage in Firefox
  1. Click and drag this icon to the home icon on your browser
  2. Click on Yes button to Apply
Setting the Home/Start Page in Konqueror Browser
  1. Copy this address: https://visualparadox.com/?h=hotspot&s=800&p=ghfptun
  2. On the Toolbar, click Settings and select Configure Konqueror from the menu
  3. In the left-hand column, highlight Behavior.
  4. Paste the address in the box next to Home URL.
  5. Click in the button ok
Setting the Home Page in Netscape Browser
  1. Copy this address:
  2. In the Edit menu click in preferences and after in Navigator
  3. Find the option homepage and paste the address in the corresponding box
  4. Click ok and restart your browser to load the homepage
Setting the Home Page in Safari Browser
  1. Return to the page you want as your home page
  2. Select General from the Preferences menu, which is now overlaying your browser window.
  3. Under Homepage click Set to Current Page
  4. Close the preferences
Setting the Home Page in Opera Browser
  1. Return to the page you want as your home page
  2. Select General from the Preferences menu, which is now overlaying your browser window.
  3. Under Homepage click Set to Current Page
  4. Close the preferences
Generic Setting Home Page Instructions:
  1. Copy this address:
  2. In the browser menu click the Tools, Preferences, or Options menu and find options or settings
  3. Find the option Home page and paste the address in the corresponding box
  4. Click in the button ok and when restart your browser the homepage will be loaded

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All images & content are Copyright © 1999-2024 by Brian S. Kissinger
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